THE ANGRY!: My Hydrogen Bitch


My Hydrogen Bitch

No, she's not a bitch named hydrogen. This is about what goes through my head every time a politician says Hydrogen
EVERY Time I hear someone talk about alteratives to oil and say the word "hydrogen" I want to scream and rip their fucking head off.

Well, I don't know about ripping their fucking head off, but I certainly want to embarrass them by standing up and screaming at them, Then explain to everyone around me what a moron they are. Hydrogen can not be an energy source. There is NO abundant source of raw H2 anywhere on earth.

When I informed a member of our State House about this (At Boy's State) He looked my in the eye and said,(showing his superior knowledge of chemistry)

"Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the Universe." "...Well, we got a great big ocean made out of H2O..."

In case you didn't already know, electricity is gotten out of fuel cells by reacting hydrogen and oxygen across a membrane. In order to GET hydrogen in the first place, you either need to find the gas, which there is none, or get it from water using electrolysis (which takes electricity). There is no place where we can find hydrogen, wew either have to use energy to get it or waste energy taking it from hydrocarbons. Saying that we are going to rely upon hydrogen is like saying that we are going meet future energy needs with Batteries... they are trying to break the First and Second laws of Thermodynamics with this one.

So the next time someone says the magic word hyrdogen jump to action, Kicking and screaming and say "NO, NO, NO! You IDIOT!"



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