THE ANGRY!: Game Review: A Force More Powerful


Game Review: A Force More Powerful

I have never done a game review before, and i am doubtful i will ever do one again, but A Force More Powerful is not something you want to miss.

Can a computer game teach how to fight real-world adversaries—dictators, military occupiers and corrupt rulers, using methods that have succeeded in actual conflicts—not with laser rays or AK47s, but with non-military strategies and nonviolent weapons? Such a game, A Force More Powerful (AFMP), is now available. A unique collaboration of experts on nonviolent conflict working with veteran game designers has developed a simulation game that teaches the strategy of nonviolent conflict. A dozen scenarios, inspired by recent history, include conflicts against dictators, occupiers, colonizers and corrupt regimes, as well as struggles to secure the political and human rights of ethnic and racial minorities and women.

A Force More Powerful is the first and only game to teach the waging of conflict using nonviolent methods. Destined for use by activists and leaders of nonviolent resistance and opposition movements, the game will also educate the media and general public on the potential of nonviolent action and serve as a simulation tool for academic studies of nonviolent resistance.

I have been playing this game for about three weeks now, and it is very addicting and fun. The actual game play is not spectacular, since you just do the planning for your movement; there is little action involved unless there is a mass protest. The game can be slow, because campaigns might often take years to accomplish (sim time) but it is very rewarding when you win. Many people from all over the world have modified the game to meet their own country and area's settings. This is one game really makes you want to get out there on the street and do something. This game is also related to a movie and book by the same name.



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